Avalanche zkVRF

Generate truly random numbers with cryptographic guarantees of fairness and transparency, delivered within 5 seconds on the Avalanche Network.

Our demo app showcases the power of ORAO zkVRF (Zero-Knowledge Verifiable Random Function). With just a simple request, you can access secure and provably fair randomness from our zkVRF service on Avalanche Fuji Testnet. Whether you're building games, lotteries, or decentralized applications, this oracle ensures the randomness you need is trustworthy and tamper-proof.

After hitting the "try" button above you'll be asked to approve the transaction. upon approval your zkVRF request will be emitted to the Avalanche Fuji Testnet. The seed and status areas below will then update with the randomness seed, tx-hash and on-chain generated randomness. Please note that the request seed is generated through your browser wallet.



Github: ORAO zkVRF SDK
JS SDK: @orao-network/zkvrf

// Import ORAO's VRF library import {OraoVRFClient} from "@orao-network/zkvrf"; const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider( "https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc" ); const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, provider); const oraoVRFClient = await OraoVRFClient.create(wallet); const seed = new Uint8Array(randomBytes(32)); let txnHash = await oraoVRFClient.request(seed); await txnHash.wait(); console.log(seed); console.log("Your transaction hash is", txnHash); const randomness = await oraoVRFClient.waitFulfilled(seed); console.log("Your randomness is", randomness);